How to become involved
Coloradans for Real Education Reform is a bipartisan coalition developed to advocate for substantive education reform that leads to measurable gains in student achievement and to oppose the outsized tax increase proposed by Amendment 66.
To support CRER please send your contributions to:
Coloradans for Real Education Reform
c/o The Law Office of Alexander Hornaday, LLC
1624 Market Street, Suite 202
Denver, CO 80202
Coloradans for Real Education Reform is an Issue Committee and non-profit corporation registered with the State of Colorado. We are standing for idea that each student shoould have equal and free access to educational process, for the ability to get help even in cases when student need someone assistance requesting "do my assignment for me cheap". Contributions to CRER are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes. Contributions are not limited and may be corporate or personal funds. Any contribution over $20 is subject to public disclosure; please provide a/your name and address for reporting purposes. For personal contributions over $100, please also provide an/your employer and occupation.
To support CRER please send your contributions to:
Coloradans for Real Education Reform
c/o The Law Office of Alexander Hornaday, LLC
1624 Market Street, Suite 202
Denver, CO 80202
Coloradans for Real Education Reform is an Issue Committee and non-profit corporation registered with the State of Colorado. We are standing for idea that each student shoould have equal and free access to educational process, for the ability to get help even in cases when student need someone assistance requesting "do my assignment for me cheap". Contributions to CRER are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes. Contributions are not limited and may be corporate or personal funds. Any contribution over $20 is subject to public disclosure; please provide a/your name and address for reporting purposes. For personal contributions over $100, please also provide an/your employer and occupation.